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This page describes the Pokémon summary screens. These are screens that display information about a Pokémon.

Summary screens[]

The summary screens are accessed from the player's Party screen and the Pokémon storage screen. The associated scripts are found in the script section UI_Summary.

Each summary screen has a background image, which is in the folder "Graphics/Pictures/Summary" and is called "bg_X.png", where "X" is the number of the page (or "egg" for egg summaries).

Below are screenshots of each summary page:

Egg summary page[]


Egg summary screen.

Eggs have their own (single) summary page, which doesn't display much information because almost nothing is known about an egg. This page is shown by def drawPageOneEgg.

A Pokémon that has been hatched has extra information when compared to a regular received Pokémon. Both the time/place of receiving the egg and the time/place of the egg hatching are shown on the Trainer Memo (page 2).


Pressing the "Use" button in a summary screen will allow you to do something depending on which screen you are looking at.

While not interacting with a screen, you can press the "Action" button to play the Pokémon's cry.

Moves screen[]

Interacting with the Moves screen allows you to select individual moves to see more information about them and to reorder them.

To reorder moves, press the "Use" button while selecting a move to mark it for switching, then select a different move and press the "Use" button again to swap the two. Pressing the "Back" button will unmark the first move.

The appearance of this screen changes depending on how the page is accessed. If the Pokémon is attempting to learn a move, it also displays the fifth move.

Ribbons screen[]

Interacting with the Ribbons screen allows you to select individual ribbons to see their names and descriptions and to reorder them.

To reorder ribbons, press the "Use" button while selecting a ribbon to mark it for switching, then select a different ribbon and press the "Use" button again to swap the two. Pressing the "Back" button will unmark the first ribbon.

Other screens[]

Interacting with any other screen opens a menu, from which you can choose to give/take a held item, view the Pokédex entry for the Pokémon, or open a marking panel in which you can change the Pokémon's/egg's markings.
